


3058 voters



In the general election of June 1796, 3058 people voted. There were 3 candidates, with Charles James Fox & Alan Gardner elected.

Poll book data from:
Holding: London Metropolitan Archives
Citation: WR/PP 1796
Source: London Electoral History 1700–1850.

Timeline & Key Statistics

Contexts & Remarks

Transcription completed by the London Electoral History 1700-1850 project, undertaken by Penelope J. Corfield, Edmund M. Green, and Charles Harvey.

Dates: Friday 27 May-Monday 13 June 1796.

Poll book reference: London Metropolitan Archives, WR/PP 1796 / London Metropolitan Archives, E/3081A.

Candidates: Charles James Fox (Opposition), Sir Alan Gardner (Government), and John Horne Took (Radical).

Charles James Fox was a returning candidate, having been elected as MP for Westminster in 1780. He was the son of Henry Fox, 1st Baron Holland, a notable opponent to George III, and supported by the duke of Bedford.

Sir Alan Gardner, the Government candidate, was encouraged to run with Fox 'as much hand in hand as appearances will allow' in order to beat the radical candidate.

John Horne Tooke was the son of a poulterer and Wilkite radical. Tooke was a patron of the Society for Constitutional Information who was described as 'a friend of the monarchical part of the constitution, but an enemy to the aristocratic power which has grown to so great a height in this county, as to control both King and People'. Gardner was the main target of Tooke's campaign, having expressed a 'friendly declaration' towards Fox.

The election returned Fox and Hood. Following the election, Tooke held a dinner to thank his supporters.

Cultural Artefacts

Poll Book

Below is a digitised version of the poll book for this election:

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